Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mattress Hero Military Mattress Giveaway

In a time where more than 30,000 troops are being sent to Afghanistan and Pakistan Mattress Hero announce free mattress giveaway to living or current military personnel. Entry to contest consist of visiting and preparing a 250 word plus essay as to why this living military personnel inspires you and why. The winner will receive a Free Inspire memory foam mattress. Contest ends December 31st 2009.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Age Defying Mattress Helps Revolutionize The Future Of Sleep

Smart Mattresses are the future of bedding. Completely designed for the sleeper in mind, smart mattresses are the future. Two things smart mattresses have are eco friendly memory foam and smart fabric technology designed to help the sleeper stay more comfortable, alleviate back pain, increase circulation, promote sleep, and stay cooler. After reading article I found in the New York Times Sept Issue, I was crazed by the fact that using a smart fabric could do so much.

The aloe therapy mattress cover is designed to nourish the skin for the entire night. It helps with keeping your skin smoother and in some areas of the country where the weather is extremely hot or cold the Aloe therapy mattress goes to work when the climate is dry.

A magnetic therapy mattress has been clinically proven to do many things. For one magnetic therapy is designed to increase your circulation, decrease pain and at the same time increase mobility, and accelerate the healing process.

Cool therapy mattresses do away with the old traditional memory foam problems of sleeping hot and toxicity problems. Traditional memory foam as we all know it is a petroleum based product that is made up of carcinogens that over time can be absorbed by the body. The petroleum products also is a heat conductor and keeps you warmer than usual. The cool therapy mattress is cools the body by utilizing the smart fabric used in the NFL called coolmax.

Aroma therapy uses lavender. Lavender promotes deep sleep and increased body circulation.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Furniture Industry News - Comfortaire & Mattress Hero

The latest report from Furniture Today and HGTV (Home & Garden Television) have pointed out some very important facts about mattresses.  In the September issue, it shows how consumer satisfaction is compared by category within the mattress industry. It breaks down mattresses into a few major categories, the first being Innerspring Mattresses, which make up more than 50% of the mattresses being sold on the market. The remarkable point of the article shows that only 25% of the customers who own innerspring mattresses like them. Innerspring mattress customers had a hard time staying and being comfortable. Next in line for worst sleep is water beds.

A few mattress categories topped the list. Air, Foam, and Latex categories have huge satisfaction marks amoung all other categories. Air or adjustable air bed technology is first in class and ranks among the highest satisfaction marks and the Comfortaire Mattress tops the list. The second category was named to one company over tempurpedic mattress and that is Mattress Hero, who offers environmentally friendly memory foam mattresses and latex mattresses.

* All information can be found at the HGTV and Furniture Today home page issue Sept.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Change Your Mattress. Health Benefits Two Fold.

Why do you still keep that old mattress? Studies show that a mattress over 3 years old can have negative side effects to your health including: allergies, back pain, poor circulation, increased weight gain, insomnia. Old mattresses lead to dust mites that create allergic reactions in two ways. Dust mites eat dead skin cells and produce a waste product that is basically the same thing as droppings. These dropping / aka urine and feces breed microscopic bacteria, mold, and viruses that can effect your health.

A sagging mattress leads to poor spinal position and back pain. If you have ever slept on a couch you know what I'm talking about. Sleeping on any surface that is not flat and comforting leads to discomfort the entire time you sleep and carries over to your waking or day light hours. Your body will naturally start to compensate for a lack of comfort by tightening muscles for the duration of your sleep. These muscles are never relaxing causing sleep apnea, muscular fibromyalgia, and back pain. You need to position your back and spine in a straight relaxing position.

As your back pain increases and your muscles tighten to compensate from your poor mattress, you will decrease your blood circulation which is the main way your body heals itself. Poor circulation leads to strokes, heart attacks, increased weight gain, and the ability to heal oneself.

Insomnia is caused by many characteristics. Use a good mattress to quiet your mind and your body. If the mind can relax it can help fight off insomnia. If you have a poor mattress visit the Sleep Number Bed site.If you need the Best Mattress or a mattress to select comfort you have found a site that is a viable source to help you sleep better and get to optimal health.