Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to Find your Ideal Setting with Adjustable Air Beds

Although adjustable air beds offer supreme comfort, it sometimes may be hard to actually FIND that ideal comfort level. Worried that you’ll be forever adjusting the bed and never finding the sweet spot for sleep? Read my tips on how to find your ideal setting on adjustable air beds:

1.     1. First be sure you are lying on adjustable air beds in your normal sleeping position. Many times we want to lie on our backs to test adjustable air beds. However, if you never sleep on yoru back- this won’t properly gage your ideal comfort level. Get comfortable just as if you were going to sleep at night. 

2.      2.  Take your adjustable air beds remote and start at a medium setting to put yourself in the middle of the firmest and softest levels of comfort. A good benchmark for a medium setting on adjustable air beds would be in the 50-60 range.

3.      3.  Relax on your adjustable air bed for a few minutes to see how your body responds to this level of air.
4.       If you feel lower back comfort from adjustable air beds, this means you need to increase the firmness of your mattress. Alternatively, if you are feeling discomfort in your hips, upper back, or shoulders, you should decrease the firmness level of your adjustable air beds

5.       4. Don’t make big jumps in the remote control levels. When you feel discomfort be sure you slowly increase or decrease the air in the adjustable air beds chamber by increments of 5 or 10. This way your body can slowly feel the bed changing and be able to better pinpoint where you feel the most comfort. 

6.      5.  You will know that you have found the best comfort level for adjustable air beds if you feel relaxed and at ease. Also be sure that your back and neck are in alignment just as if you were standing up, and adjustable air beds are supporting the small of your back (no arching!) or curve of your waist. 

After following these times and doing some trial and error experimenting, you should be able to find a setting that will work for you on adjustable air beds. Now all that’s left is to enjoy a good night of sleep!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mattress Types and Benefits

The mattress world is getting more and more complex with different types of mattresses being introduced. We have come a long way from simple spring mattresses. Here is a guide to help educate you on popular mattresses types today and what each type of bed offers: 

Pocketed Coil Mattress

The simplest upgrade from spring mattresses, this kind of bed gives each individual spring a tube of fabric that surrounds and enfolds it. This helps with support and masking the feeling of springs in your body when you lie down. Pocketed coil beds come in varying levels of luxury and price points.  

Memory Foam Mattress

Memory foam is created with polyurethane and reacts to the sleeper’s body. This reaction is based either on the pressure of the body or your body heat. Many people love memory foam because they provide a lot of support, and are certainly an upgrade from innerspring mattresses as you can feel no parts of the bed except the foam itself. They rate highly for being noiseless (no squeaky springs!), isolating motion, and relieving pain.   

Adjustable Air Beds

Air beds are now an extremely popular option as an innovation from both innerspring and memory foam. Adjustable air beds have air chambers that fill with air based on a remote control setting. The sleeper can adjust how firm or soft they would like air beds to be by using their remote. Adjustable air beds rank highly for motion isolation as well as pain relief. While they can be more expensive, people tend to rate high air beds highly because they relieve the body of unhealthy pressure on its joints and offer a lot of comfort. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What’s the Rage about Adjustable Air Beds?

While they have been around for a while, in the past decade adjustable air beds have created a steady buzz in the mattress market. The term adjustable air beds itself formerly was only synonymous with that uncomfortable blow up thing you put your guests on. Now “permanent-use” air beds are something that is coming into bedrooms across the U.S., and are there to stay. 

So what’s all the rage? How can air be that comfortable? Here are my top reasons why adjustable air beds are so popular and should be seen as a “mattress force” to be reckoned with.

1.       Adjustable Air Beds are.. Adjustable!

Yes, indeed. One of the best reasons why adjustable air beds are just so wonderful is the fact that they adjust to the comfort level you seek. Whereas any other type of bed gives you one level of comfort, adjustable air beds can adjust to however firm or soft you would like it to be. Have an achy back tonight? Amp up your firmness on your bed. Want to just sink into soft comfort? Turn it down. It’s almost like getting several beds for one. This is extremely beneficial to those who suffer from very specific injuries or sleep conditions. 

2.       Adjustable Air Beds Cater to Couples

Do you disagree with your partner on how firm the perfect bed should be? I know I like my bed on the softer side, while my husband goes for ultra-firm. With adjustable air beds, you can have it all! Most adjustable air beds come with dual-adjustability. What this means is that each side of the bed adjusts independently of the other. There will be no more compromising with your partner on how the bed should feel; you can both now adjust to the comfort level YOU want. Sounds like something beneficial for not only your sleep- but your relationship too. 

3.       Adjustable Aid Beds Relieve Pressure Points

Innerspring mattresses put unwanted tension on your body’s key pressure points. Memory foam may not support you enough. A huge benefit of adjustable air beds is that the air creates a surface that relaxes your body, while taking the pressure off of those precious tension zones on your body. This provides a great relief for your back, neck, shoulders and spine. And those who have issues with those areas will be especially thankful that the air bed can cradle tender areas in JUST the right way. 
Have you tried an adjustable air bed? If so, what do you love about it? Let me know!