Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tips to Improve Sleep

While many mattresses like adjustable air beds and memory foam offer superior comfort that should help you sleep better, many of us have bad day time habits that keep us awake at night, no matter how comfortable our bed is! Here are some sleep tips you can follow to help you sleep better each night, no matter what kind of bed you are on. 

1.      Try Not to Eat Before Bed
While late night snacks are mighty tempting,  you should avoid these at all costs if you want to ensure deep and restful sleep. Stop eating at least 3 hours before bed. If you must each close to bed time, try having a light meal instead. Anything that is full of protein or caffeinated (ahem, chocolate!) will likely keep you up at night. Also, eating a heavy meal will mean that your body will be doing more work trying to digest it while you sleep, instead of going into sleepytime mode. 

2.      Have a Bedtime Routine
If you have trouble sleeping at night, try to create a bedtime routine that you follow each night. In doing so, your body will know it’s entering a restful time and will relax easier. The routine might include taking a hot bath, reading before bed, or doing some simple yoga. 

3.      Go to Bed Earlier
If you can’t sleep, instead of staying up until the wee hours of morning watching T.V. or using the computer, simply get in bed earlier. Even if you need to relax in bed for an hour or so before you fall asleep, that’s ok! Your body craves going to bed even if you don’t feel tired. Give it the rest it needs by making yourself get in bed and aiming to get 7-8 healthy hours of sleep each night.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to Rate the Quality of Air Bed Reviews

When looking at any type of reviews, you need to be objective and examine whether you are reading a trustworthy review or not. This is especially true with air bed reviews as air beds are a significant investment so you need to weigh how much you can rely on this air bed reviewing stranger! While you should always make your own personal decision about air beds, reading trustworthy reviews will really help you determine your top air bed choices you should further investigate. 
Take these simple steps to help you rate the quality of anyone who writes and air bed review so you can determine whose opinion truly matters:

Air Bed Review Quality Check #1: How many reviews has the person made?
On site that allows product reviews, you should be able to look at the reviewer profile to see how many items they have reviewed. You can make some educated assumptions from the number you see here. If the number extremely high? Are they only reviewing one brand of air bed positively? If the answer is yes to both of these questions, you could possibly assume that this person could be getting paid by a specific company to post positive reviews. 

Air Bed Review Quality Check #2: What kind of language is the reviewer using?
If you are looking at an extremely positive review, use your objective eye to determine if this could be the Company themselves posting the review. Do this by examining the language used in the air bed review. Does this sound like sales copy, or a real person expressing how they felt about the air bed? Often air bed companies reviewing their own products are a dead giveaway with their use of too perfect sales pitch type language. 

Air Bed Review Quality Check #2: Do they post only negative reviews?
Also, if you look at the profile of the reviewer, do you see a trend of only negative reviews? If someone likes to review things they should have a good balance of positive and negative reviews. If you are only seeing bad reviews then this just might be the consumer that can’t be satisfied. If they make a point to only post negative things, these feelings may be exaggerated and some of the problems they have with air beds, might not affect you the same as it did them. Ignore petty complains and try to really hone in on those who have both good and bad things to say.

Friday, December 14, 2012

What are Air Beds?

Air beds have dominated the mattress market making them a hot topic. However, do you really know what air bed are and how they may benefit you? Here are my basic facts on air beds so you can get to know them better (and then maybe introduce them into your life!)

Air Bed Definition:
No longer are air beds what you blow up for temporary guests. Permanent use air beds today are a mattress that has a high quality construction and uses air chambers that inflate and deflate with air to create your desired amount of firmness. 

Air Bed Materials:
So you know that air beds are made with air chambers now that can adjust to your comfort, but what else makes them so comfortable? Well, the air technology is a huge part of it, but many air beds use other materials to enhance comfort to an even higher degree. All air beds have base support which keeps the bed from becoming saggy and this is usually made of reasonably thick memory foam. Air beds also often have a comfort layer that is made of memory foam or latex to give you that extra soft feel and additional body support. Also, air beds often use bamboo as their support system which is a superior material and gives your air bed a natural element. 

How Air Beds Relieve Pain:
Air beds are well known for relieving your body of pain. They can do this because instead of unwanted tension pushing into your body from springs, you only have the air supporting you. With adjusting the air chambers to your desired firmness, you can find a setting that naturally supports and cushions your body. Instead of tense muscles, your body will finally relax as it doesn’t have to do work to combat against the springs and no pressure is put on pressure points

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Why are Number Beds so Great?

Number beds have swept the mattress market, but with a higher cost and more technicalities, you may be wondering how they work and WHY they are so great. Here is the lowdown on why number beds (also known as air beds) are great for you!

1.       Number Beds Provide Adjustable Comfort

The “number” in number beds is the level of firmness or softness that you set the air beds to. You have control of finding the perfect setting on number beds that makes your body feel the best. This will then relate to how good you sleep at night! With a spring mattress, memory foam, or any other kind of bed- you aren’t able to customize it to fit your needs as you can with number beds. 

2.       Number Beds Are Excellent for Couples!

Tired of your partner rolling around in his or her sleep and keeping you up? How about those nightly bathroom visits that leave you waking up throughout the night? Well, number beds rid you of this problem! Number beds have great motion isolation which means you don’t actually feel your partner doing their thing during the night- and hopefully, they will be doing a lot less of it regardless as they will be sleeping better on number beds too!

3.       Number Beds Will Last Longer than Your Normal Mattress

Finally, another huge reason why number beds are a great investment is because air beds have greater longevity than your average mattress. This is because number beds are built with many separate parts. So, if something breaks in your number bed, you can replace that specific part rather than having to get rid of the entire mattress. Also, many times if something breaks within number beds, the customer service team will be there to help you out and get the replacement part you need- possibly even free of cost depending on your warranty.

So here is 3 great reasons why number beds are a superb investment for a future of great sleeping! Have you experienced number beds? If so, what do you enjoy about them? Let me know!