Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Adjustable Air Beds for the Expectant Mother

If you are pregnant, you know how uncomfortable sleeping at night can be. Your body is rapidly changing and a regular mattress just doesn’t know how to respond and support your needs. However, you can find solace with adjustable air beds. Adjustable air beds provide the technology that you need during your pregnancy and a bed that can change as your body changes. Here are some of the reasons why adjustable air beds should be on your list of things to invest in to make your pregnant more enjoyable:

1. Adjustable Air Beds Provide Changing Support

While adjustable air beds are beneficial to anybody as they have the ability to customize comfort levels, they are ESPECIALLY useful to those facing pregnancy. The new weight of the baby will cause places to ache that you didn’t think possible. However the adjustable air bed technology will be able to naturally support and cushion these areas so your body can fully relax again. Also, as your body will be changing, you can change adjustable air beds to suit your needs. If you are having a day where you feel like you need a lot of extra support, you can use your remote to increase the firmness of your bed. Want to be cradled and softly cushioned? Reduce the air in adjustable air beds to gain a softer sleeping surface. Adjustable air beds are the only beds that can change with your body and because of this you will be able to sleep deeper and longer during your pregnancy.

2. Adjustable Air Beds Can Also Support Your Partner

Another huge benefit of adjustable air beds is that if you are sleeping with a partner, they will be able to still enjoy the level of comfort THEY need during your pregnancy. Adjustable air beds have dual air technology which means as you adjust and change your side of the bed, they can do the same to theirs. So your partner doesn’t need to sleep on a super firm bed if they don’t want to and it is what you need to support your growing body. Also, we all know that with a pregnancy you will often be plagued with general discomfort and sleeplessness whether it is due to a baby kicking or morning sickness. During the time you are experiencing this and getting in and out of bed your partner will not feel this because of the motion isolation in adjustable air beds. This means they will be able to sleep throughout the night without interruption and will be more refreshed in the morning to support your needs throughout the day.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Pillows for Air Beds

Now that you are sleeping like a dream on your air bed, there might be one other factor that could transform your sleep experience. A pivotal part of your adjustable bed is having the right pillow! After all, your pillow cradles your head and face and having the right one will be another reason to stay asleep throughout the night and end tossing and turning. Here are my favorite types of pillows for air beds and how they can improve your sleep:

Neck Pillows for Air Beds

Do you tend to wake up with a stiff or sore neck on air beds? If so, a neck pillow is probably the best option for you! The neck pillow looks as if it has a wave like or dipping shape which naturally comforts your neck and head. Neck pillows for air beds generally used visco elastic memory foam which creates a contoured design that allows your neck muscles to relax. Once your neck is ready for sleep, the rest of your body will be too!

Gel Fusion Pillows for Air Beds

Gel fusion pillows for air beds are one of the newer pillow technologies and pack a lot of comfort! This pillow for air beds allows you to have a bit of variety and customization for your pillow. This is a two sided pillow with one side having a gel memory foam construction and the other side using gel fiber. Having this double design creates a sleeping surface that provides both firmness and softness. If you are someone who is constantly turning your pillow on air beds to get the right amount of comfort, then a gel fusion pillow will provide you with exactly what you need.

Memory Foam Pillows for Air Beds

This classic memory foam design is loved by most owners of air beds. The memory foam gives you both support and comfort for your head and neck for just about any sleep position. Another bonus of memory foam pillows is that it is resistant to dust and any microbes. If you are plagued with allergies or just want to ensure you always have a fresh sleep environment, then memory foam pillows for air beds may be the best option for you.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Air Bed Reviews: The Bella Bed by Comfortaire

If you are shopping for a new air bed, the best place to look first is air bed reviews. These air bed reviews will help you narrow down the selection of air beds and find mattresses that have the exact qualities to look for. While all air beds are beneficial to your body and improve sleep, air bed reviews will pinpoint the special features of each. Compare these features to your needs in an air bed to find a bed that works with your lifestyle!

By recommendation of air bed reviews, I recently tested out the Bella Bed by Comfortaire. I really loved the results! See my air bed review on the bed and my experience with it to see if it may be right for you as well:

Air Bed Snapshot: This air bed is featured in the Exclusive Series from Comfortaire. It has natural materials and 13” thickness and an improved air chamber compared to previous models.

Special Features:

-    The first thing that air bed reviews note is the special Bamboo Smart Fabric. This is definitely appealing to those who like a natural texture and feel. It is extremely soft and silky and provides a soothing sleep surface. Another benefit is that it is hypoallergenic and protects you from bacteria
-    The next outstanding quality is that it has a very high level of support. This is ideal if you have areas that give you particular pain as it will provide you with the relief you need. This also means you will sleep better throughout the night. There is extra foam on the mattress cover which supports your body more precisely.
-    Finally something I loved was the ease of use with the mattress. Those in air bed reviews also enjoyed that the cover is a ziptop which allows you to gain access to it easily. This means if there is ever a problem with the internal components of the air mattress that you can open it and fix anything yourself. Also the cover is able to be removed without difficulty to clean so this is always a huge benefit.

So have you tried the Bella bed or looked at air bed reviews to find a different bed that you like? Let me know!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

How to Start Shopping for Air Beds

If you have committed to purchasing air beds for your home, there are some factors you need to consider before you start testing out models of air beds. In doing this you will have an easier time shopping because you can narrow down your choices to air beds that complete serve your needs.

Think About Your Needs for Air Beds:

Before you dive into the shopping process, you first need to carefully consider what your needs are in new air beds. Everyone has different needs and knowing which air beds best serve these will help make the buying process more painless. Make a list of the qualities in air beds that are most important to you. Here are some examples of unique needs people have with air beds:

-    Air beds that are ecofriendly or made with natural materials
-    Air beds that are allergen resistant and protect you from dust mites and mildew
-    Air beds that aid back pain, shoulder pain, or joint pain and help your pressure points
-    Air beds that have dual adjustability and are good for partners
-    Air beds that are good for romance
-    Air beds that have good motion isolation and ensure you won’t wake when others get in or out of the bed
-    Air beds that have removable and washable covers
-    Air beds that incorporate memory foam or latex for additional support
-    Air beds that have luxurious materials that are soft and made with exotic fabrics

Rank these needs in air beds to figure out what means most to you in a bed. If you can find a bed with all these factors then great! If not, be realistic and make sure you look for air beds that at least have your top three factors.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Additional Factors for Best Air Bed Reviews

Knowing what to look for in air bed reviews will help your understanding of different brands and models of air beds. Additionally, it will save you lots of personal time as when you do commit to mattress shopping, you will know the exact beds you are interested in testing out. Here are some additional things you should look for in air bed reviews to make sure they can fully help you in your air bed research:

-    Mattress Specs in Air Bed Reviews

Something extremely important to look for in air bed reviews are definitely as many specs about the bed as possible. Each air bed has its own unique qualities, and air bed reviews should take the time to fully identify these. Some things you may find in air bed reviews are the type of fabric on mattress covers, air bed support, foundations, and the types of materials in the air bed. You also want to look in air bed review for things like if the air bed helps regulate temperature, or provides significant pain relief.

-    Warranty Overview in Air Bed Reviews

Finally, a key thing to look for in air bed reviews is the warranty. Adjustable air beds will come with varying warranty terms which depend on the brand of the bed as well as specific models. While the bed may seem perfect in air bed reviews, if it has a poor warranty it is definitely a factor you should consider. You want to be able to purchase high quality adjustable air beds that are also protected in order for you to make a sound investment. Nobody wants to pay a ton of money for air beds and then realize that the bed has broken right after the warranty terms are up. Look at air bed reviews to find an overview of the warranty terms to see if the bed meets your needs in terms of protection.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Best Air Bed Reviews

When looking through air bed reviews, you might be overwhelmed with all of the information and not sure where to look first to find what you need. It is important to know how to identify air bed reviews and the most important information within them. Doing so will give you sound criteria to compare varying adjustable beds. While air bed reviews can be quite long, here are three things that you need to look for to ensure you get the best information about adjustable air beds, and thus, find the adjustable beds for you!

1. A Satisfaction Rating in Air Bed Reviews

The easiest way to sum up the quality of adjustable beds in air bed reviews is to look for an overall satisfaction score. For example the bed rates “4 stars out of 5”. Or “90% of customers are satisfied”. This is a key point in air bed reviews that will give you an average of all mattress ratings for the bed without even having to read anything else further. While I advise you to read up as much as you can on the air bed reviews, if you are in a hurry and need a quick overview of an adjustable air beds, this is what you need to look for. Also, if you see that air bed reviews don’t have this- I would be wary. You want to know the overall score of the bed as it is the lasting impression the air bed reviewer had of the bed. 

2. Mattress Cost in Air Bed Reviews

The next thing you will need to look for in air bed reviews is the overall mattress cost. While it might be tempting, you need to stick to looking at adjustable air beds that are within your budget. It will save a lot of stress in the long run and save your time by being sure you don’t read further into air bed reviews that aren’t within your means. Look for adjustable air beds that have a good balance for good reviews, an affordable price, and approved air bed technology.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to Find the Perfect Sleep Temperature on Air Beds

Let’s face it. While your experience with air beds may have been great so far, the might be a factor that is still keeping you up at night. Even with adjustable comfort, something that sleepers find annoying on air beds is not being able to regulate their temperature. Either you are too cool, or too hot, which leads to tossing and turning at night. Read my post on how to keep a bedroom perfect temperature while on air beds.

Temperature on Air Beds Tip #1:
The first thing you need to adjust is the thermostat. To best enjoy air beds, aim to keep your bedroom at a temperature of 65 degrees. At this setting, your body takes on a “neutral” temperature on air beds. What this means is that you won’t find yourself sweating through the night, or being awoken by shivers. 

Temperature on Air Beds Tip #2:
The next step to take to find the best temperature on air beds, is to ensure you are wearing the right bedclothes! You shouldn’t have to turn to heavy garments, or feel the need to wear next to nothing because you are too hot. Instead, look for breathable fabrics to sleep on in air beds that are loose and non-constricting to your body. These kind of fabrics include cotton or light flannel if it is winter. 

Temperature on Air Beds Tip #3:
Finally, a surefire way to make sure you sleep throughout the night on air beds is to avoid eating before going to sleep. Having a full stomach will cause you to sleep hot on air beds because your body will be working overtime to digest food.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Top Brands for Adjustable Bed

Are you looking to buy adjustable beds but don’t know what brands to turn to? There are two distinct frontrunners that make adjustable beds. Knowing these brands will allow you to properly test the best adjustable beds out there before you make a purchase. Learn what brands you should trust for adjustable beds and what makes them leaders of the pack. 
Adjustable Beds Brand: Comfortaire
Comfortaire is a leader in the adjustable beds market as they are the founder of the technology. They developed the first adjustable beds over 30 years ago and have continued to innovate and improve adjustable beds to meet sleeper’s demands year after year. They provide adjustable beds in a wide range, from luxury to mid-level. Comfortaire is known in the adjustable beds market for having superior customer service and owners tend to be highly satisfied with this brand. 

Adjustable Beds Brand: Sleep Number
Sleep Number bed is another popular maker of adjustable beds and is a huge competitor to Comfortaire. Sleep Number first became well known with adjustable beds with their stores in shopping malls. These Sleep Number stores allowed shoppers to test the adjustable beds and “find their sleep number”. Sleep Number provides adjustable beds that in the entry, mid, and luxury level.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Preferred Accessories for Adjustable Air Beds

Have you recently made an adjustable air beds purchase? Or are you shopping for adjustable air beds? If so, you will soon be able to experience first-hand the tremendous comfort and benefits that come and an adjustable air beds experience! While the bed will provide an transformation in itself, you may want to look at some adjustable air beds accessories to even further enhance your comfort. While there are many accessories available for adjustable air beds, there are 2 key ones I would like to overview in this post that will truly help you achieve perfect sleep!

1. Mattress Protector for Adjustable Air Beds

After you have spent a considerable amount of money on adjustable air beds, you will understand that it is an investment and you need to protect the bed to the best of your ability for maximum longevity. A mattress protector guards adjustable air beds from natural occurrences that come with owning a bed. Spills, stains, pets, children, food, and liquids are all things that adjustable air beds are up against- and a mattress protector will ensure that none of these things do serious damage to your bed. Furthermore, a mattress protector will give you the assures that your adjustable air beds are providing a clean and sanitary sleep environment. You will find yourself having to spend less money on getting the bed cleaned professionally and have peace of mind that your bed is clean each night you sleep.

2. High Quality Sheets for Adjustable Air Beds

Because sheets are what is between your body and your mattress, having high-quality and comfortable sheets will gretly enhance your sleep experience on adjustable air beds. If you have a luxurious bed, with scratchy and uncomfortable sheets- you can be putting that between you getting the best out of the investment you made for your adjustable air beds. To find high quality sheets, look for those that have a high thread count and have a silky feel. On top of being more comfortable, higher quality sheets will be more robust and last longer. Some adjustable air beds require sheets that are deep pocketed if they have a thickness of 11” and greater, so be sure you are getting this kind of sheet to fit your adjustable air beds properly.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Top Sleep Positions on Adjustable Beds

While enjoying our adjustable beds, each and every one of us has a unique sleep style. But did you know that your sleep style also speaks volumes on your personality? Learn the most common positions that owners of adjustable beds find themselves in at night- AND what personality traits are associated with each position. 
1.       Assuming the “Fetal” on Adjustable Beds:
Just as it sounds, the fetal position in adjustable beds is the position in which you lie on your side and bend your knees. Whether you are bending your  knees to an extreme degree to resemble a baby in the womb, or just slightly bending your knees for comfort- you are a considered a “fetal” position sleeper on adjustable beds. As it happens, this is the most common way to sleep on adjustable beds so you aren’t alone! Fetal positions sleepers have the personality traits of having a hard or tough exterior but they are truly sweet, timid, or sensitive on the inside. Sleeping in the fetal position on adjustable beds also means you are someone who can stay cool, calm, and collected and relax easily. As a fetal position sleeper myself, I say this sounds pretty accurate! 

2.      Assuming the “Log” on Adjustable Beds:
The next most sought out position on adjustable beds is called the “LOG”. Also as it sounds, this means your body position is super straight, and you are on your side. Those who enjoy adjustable beds by being in “log” position are often known as social butterflies that thrive to be around people and love meeting new friends. The downside to this is that you can also be known as being a bit gullible, but your laid-back personality allows you to let things roll off your shoulders (even when finding out you’ve been fooled!)

3.      Assuming the “Yearner” on Adjustable Beds
Finally, the third most popular sleep position on adjustable beds is known as the “yearner”. This means you lie on adjustable beds on your side with your arms outstretched as if yearning for something to hold on to! The personality traits that accompany this sleep position are that you have an open heart and our compassionate. However, these adjustable bed “yearner” sleepers also may be sure to take a considerate amount of time when faced with decisions and are not usually comfortable with big changes in their lives. Which means they will stay loyal to the luxurious comfort of adjustable beds for life. Great choice yearners!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tips to Improve Sleep: Part II

To follow up on my last article, if you are having trouble sleeping at night- it is best to evaluate what you may doing wrong and how to better your sleep with sleep tips. While air beds and number bed can work wonders for your comfort level at night, if you are engaging in activities that are prone to keep you awake at night, you can’t fully enjoy the technology and comfort that adjustable beds offer. Here are some additional tips on how to improve your sleep at night:

1.       Make Exercise a Priority
Exercising daily or weekly and on a set schedule will help increase your energy during the day. In turn, this will help you regulate your sleep patterns at night and ensure you are ready for bed when it’s time. Additionally, making a point to exercise regularly will improve your mood during the day and help eliminate the daily sleepiness and weariness from not getting a good night of rest. 

2.       Hide the Clock
It has been found that looking at your clock throughout the night will keep you from getting good sleep. Doing this builds anxiety and you lose the ability to become calm and enter into a good sleep state again. If you relocate your clock away from your adjustable bed to a place where you can still use it but can’t see it throughout the night, you will see your sleep improve drastically. 

3.       Eliminate Tobacco
Tobacco products are made with nicotine which is a stimulant. Having tobacco during the day, and ESPECIALLY before getting into adjustable air beds to sleep at night, will inhibit your sleeping. Try to avoid using any tobacco products to ensure you can sleep better each night.