Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Adjustable Air Beds for the Expectant Mother

If you are pregnant, you know how uncomfortable sleeping at night can be. Your body is rapidly changing and a regular mattress just doesn’t know how to respond and support your needs. However, you can find solace with adjustable air beds. Adjustable air beds provide the technology that you need during your pregnancy and a bed that can change as your body changes. Here are some of the reasons why adjustable air beds should be on your list of things to invest in to make your pregnant more enjoyable:

1. Adjustable Air Beds Provide Changing Support

While adjustable air beds are beneficial to anybody as they have the ability to customize comfort levels, they are ESPECIALLY useful to those facing pregnancy. The new weight of the baby will cause places to ache that you didn’t think possible. However the adjustable air bed technology will be able to naturally support and cushion these areas so your body can fully relax again. Also, as your body will be changing, you can change adjustable air beds to suit your needs. If you are having a day where you feel like you need a lot of extra support, you can use your remote to increase the firmness of your bed. Want to be cradled and softly cushioned? Reduce the air in adjustable air beds to gain a softer sleeping surface. Adjustable air beds are the only beds that can change with your body and because of this you will be able to sleep deeper and longer during your pregnancy.

2. Adjustable Air Beds Can Also Support Your Partner

Another huge benefit of adjustable air beds is that if you are sleeping with a partner, they will be able to still enjoy the level of comfort THEY need during your pregnancy. Adjustable air beds have dual air technology which means as you adjust and change your side of the bed, they can do the same to theirs. So your partner doesn’t need to sleep on a super firm bed if they don’t want to and it is what you need to support your growing body. Also, we all know that with a pregnancy you will often be plagued with general discomfort and sleeplessness whether it is due to a baby kicking or morning sickness. During the time you are experiencing this and getting in and out of bed your partner will not feel this because of the motion isolation in adjustable air beds. This means they will be able to sleep throughout the night without interruption and will be more refreshed in the morning to support your needs throughout the day.